Tuesday, January 5, 2010

some explanation

so you're saying to yourself, (or your stuffed animals if you have the same gene set as our neighbor Carla (refer to future posts or past rants)) "what is up with the photos?" here at madison inc. we appreciate your inquiry.
here's the scoop: the squirrel was fattening itself up for winter, what that squirrel didn't anticipate was my desperate and inventive nature. I was 1 week away from making squirrel stew (despite my love of fluffy animals)and a pair of mittens when I got somewhat employed. many days were spent gazing at the soul-deadening list of awful jobs here in madison (would you like to wipe a crazy person's bum?) then get pleasantly distracted by squirrels frolicking on wires, trees and fighting over our pumpkin. frickin cute. you can hate 'em all you want, those little critters pretended to be my TV without knowing it. okay, that's the squirrel bein' cute.
the costumes:
it's halloween and our friend mark took this shot. Em is the ocean. please note the assortment of things in the ocean. She even had a plastic baggy foatin around on her backside. I can only guess that it was to represent the island of plastic garbage the size of texas (or bigger?) in the ocean. i never asked, I just thought it was brilliant. Em, always making a political statement while seeming fun and innocent. figures.
Then there's me. I'm dressed as "Gavin Clarke, the bestselling author of 'drink yourself rich'" It was easy for me to play that character, trust me. Do you like me in a turtle-neck?
So, there you have it.
Also, we have reserved a yurt about 6 hours North of here and will be spending the weekend cross country skiing with our friends mark and missy. we will not post pictures nor will we give a report in the future.

remember to tip your waiter and we are taking requests.



Unknown said...

Is that a really small pumpkin, or is that squirrel some sort of wolf/squirrel mid-western hybrid? The picture makes it look like it towers over that pumpkin.

Emily Matson said...

fresh, locally grown, organic, heirloom pumpkin from the farmer's market. they're smaller. what, you guys don't get those in wyoming?