Sunday, December 16, 2007

ready, set, stop

the two bloggers sit side-by-side.

on your marks, get set, blog!

emily is in the lead with faster typing skills, but here's gavin! he's got his own stategy! he'll write a short one!

Emily and I have been following the mekong river from the north to luang nam tha (which is a bit away from the river if you are checking your facts, which you should, because we are really in nebraska at my favorite 2-month-long swap meat) then down to laos' jewel, luang prabang, and nowhave put ourselves up in a room in vinetiene (pronounced vin-chen) that has it's own toilet that flushes and hot water.

travlelling is not my favorite part of travelling. emily always makes it easier by actually knowing where the bus station is and which one we need to go to, which, i guess, actually makes travel possible.

our first venture from the border to luang nam tha was much as the travel book suggested. we were supposed to take the normal big bus but got hurried onto a mini-bus aka van, which left earlier. after traveling next to a bag of rice, sleeping with my head against the seat in front of me, comparing the lao lady wearing a hat, sweater, and puffy jacket to the anorexic german who had o a tank top, and watching the bamboo huts pass by. The Hi-way which has been greatly improved, still has patches that are unpaved so our driver would swerve deftly to remain on as much pavement as possible with out hitting any livestock.
here's a picture of what happens when your masterful driver doesnt change his timing belt at 100,000 km and drives till 147,000km. note the lady in the hat and puffy coat? yeah,it's about 70 in the shade at this moment.




Alex said...

Pssssst, Gavin... Gav, come closer... shhhh... don't tell Emily, but your blogs are better.

Jacob and Carlee Loya said...

Alex! that's just downright WRONG. don't listen oi, you have always been my favorite entertainment. ps, i know you were slower because you were PROOFREADING! TAKE THAT GAVIN!!!!!!!!!

AK ROB said...

Hey u ugly AMerican, (and one pretty one)
Happy New Year and hope you continue to have a safe adventure.
There are tons of containments left for you to come back to!!!
Stay safe!!