Monday, December 24, 2007


we can't gain access to the blog right now, we won't even know if this posts, but merry christmas, and happy new year to all!

gavin and emily


Unknown said...

Happy Christmas to you both! Hope all is well.

Cassie said...

i miss you friend! merry christmas!!!

Jacob and Carlee Loya said...

wtf...jail. Don't joke about how cool that would be. We would fake at being human rights lawyers and spend our last cent trying to get you out. Oh wait we don't have any last cents or sense for that matter. Christmas in Asia is as good as it gets. Have fun!

Unknown said...

can you post more pictures? I hate reading. so far all I can gather is you are in some land that has rivers and green trees, and you eat sometimes. Are you in Minnesota?

Jacob and Carlee Loya said...

you´re going to have to post again with the title, we are alive.